Anunnaki 432 Hertz Healing Crystal Disks! – “Divine Frequencies Made Visible” – Michael Lee Hill

I have been kinda guided I guess you could say to make these “Divine Frequencies Made Visible” Energy Disks.

I have created a individual Crystal disk for every note of the Pythagorean tuned musical scale (Diapason A 432 Hz) and each notes accurate encoded sacred/Sonic geometry. The Actual Sonic Note/Frequency Sacred Geometry Image is then Embedded into a Fine Crystal Disk that has a Copper Band that surrounds and encases the entire Disk creating a serious subtle energy energy device or in the worst case scenario a really beautiful work of art! A ray of sunlight, passing through the prism-like bevel refracts all the colors of the rainbow.

These disks are the result.


“You also have music in you, but not in the sense of just playing the guitar or composing songs. You see, to create matter, you need music or more specifically, sounds. Not just any one sound, but specific sound frequencies in combination. You will also learn about this in the course of your concentration. And you will learn how to use them to light encode objects out of thin air. And the kind of music you may come to know and write and produce will be nothing like what exists today, because you will most likely learn to use the true Pythagorean scale, from which creation itself comes. Think also of the value of getting to know your flying friends by pressing the flesh, as it were. Don’t discount it.” – AR Bordon (Secret Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)

These Crystal Disks are each hand created by me, each and every one a labor of love. These disks encode a lot of information and they are very powerful energy tools for clearing negative thought-forms and energy healing.  The “Enki” 432 Hz disk encodes A Crop Circle image that was Authored for the first time in 2011, It was signed by Ea/Enki of the Anunnaki in Binary Code!

Enki was a deity in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. The name Ea is of Sumerian origin and was written by means of two signs signifying “house” and “water”. Enki was the deity of water, intelligence, creation, and lord of the Apsu, the watery abyss. Enki was considered a god of life and replenishment, and was often depicted with streams of water emanating from his shoulders or holding buckets or pitchers of water. Alongside him were trees symbolizing the male and female aspects of nature, each holding the male and female aspects of the ‘Life Essence’, which he, as apparent alchemist of the gods, would masterfully mix to create several beings that would live upon the face of the Earth.

He was the leader of the first sons of Anu who came down to Earth, playing a pivotal role in creating humans then saving them from the Deluge. According to Sumerian mythology, Enki allowed humanity to survive the Deluge designed to kill them. After Enlil and the rest of the Anunnaki, decided that Man would suffer total annihilation, he covertly rescued the human man Ziusudra by either instructing him to build some kind of an boat for his family, or by bringing him into the heavens in a magic boat. This is apparently the oldest surviving source of the Noah’s Ark myth and other parallel Middle Eastern Deluge myths.


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

432 Hertz is a harmonic of light frequency it ‘speaks’ or ‘resonates’ directly with our cells. All cells communicate with each other via infrared light so I imagine that when they receive music in 432 Hertz they are in joy. The conscious mind may not be aware of this, but most of what goes on in our bodies is sub conscious, thankfully! You can read more about how all sounds create infra red light in the physics section of our web site CymaScope™ ”  – John Stuart Reid (CymaScope)

432 Hertz truly can be considered a harmonic of light. Sound in air may be defined as the transfer …of periodic movements between adjacent colliding atoms or molecules. This sonic energy typically expands away from the site of the collisions–at the local speed of sound–as a spherical or bubble-shaped emanation, the surface of which is in a state of radial oscillation. At the point of origin of the sonic bubble an electromagnetic bubble is created by the collisions between the air molecules, because each collision creates friction that releases a small amount of infrared electromagnetism. That magnetism, like the sonic bubble, expands away from source spherically and it is modulated by the sonic periodicities, in much the same way that an amplitude-modulated radio broadcast consists of an electromagnetic carrier that is modulated in amplitude by, say, a person’s voice frequencies. Thus, the relationship between sound and light is real and very much part of the way that nature works. We cannot talk about the 432 Hertz key note without visualizing a 432 Hertz-modulated infrared light bubble.”  – John Stuart Reid (CymaScope)

Here is what the famous Nassim Haramein (director of research for The Resonance Project) had to say regarding my Cymascope cymatic image of my  guitars A =432 Hertz image.

“Universal tuning to 432 Hz makes sense because it creates such incredible resonance naturally in the structure of space as evidenced by this image of a 432Hz frequency being played into a fluid medium and imaged, a process known as Cymatics. The story of how we all ended up tuning the note A to 440Hz is a long one with many different factors coming into play, the point is to move forward with our new knowledge of physics, frequency, vibration and the universe in general and work toward increasing coherency and resonance by tuning our minds and literally our instruments in music to naturally occurring highly resonant frequencies..” – Nassim Haramein

Each Disk features one or the other MLH A=432 Hertz Rock Guitar Note Cymatic Image depending on the disk. Without Further Delay, Here are the Cymascope Cymatic images:

(Normal Chakra Colors)


(Inverted Chakra Colors)

“Dear Michael:  
Thank you for your email today. I just received a copy of what you sent, and decided to reply with a letter directly to you.  
From where I am sitting, I hear two Michaels speak out – the musical Michael, which is a musically inclined personna that has gone through a musical evolution, and the private Michael, which is the one that’s gone through an awakening. Inside, both seem so closely tied that it may or may not be noticeable to you. In here, I’m going to answer to both, and hope that the real Michael (who is the blend of both worlds) understands the words I use in replying to your long note to us, and to me.
This is an interesting exercise for us, because we distinctly get it that it has to do with what your friends who are not from here want you to learn and evolve into. You see, right now, they see and sense your good heart and open, connected intention and life giving ways. You also have music in you, but not in the sense of just playing the guitar or composing songs. You see, to create matter, you need music – or more specifically, sounds. Not just any one sound, but specific sound frequencies in combination. You’ll also learn about this in the course of your concentration. And you’ll learn how to use them to light encode objects out of thin air. Yes, what we spoke about before, As you said in your biography – synchronicity. And the synchronicities do not end there.
With you comes to all of us new roads, avenues and doors that you already opened for yourself. You’ve already crossed these doors. When these new doors you’ve already crossed become aware of your bootstrapping new self, new interest will arise in what you as part of all of us bring to the world. In that sense, the mission you set for yourself comes to pass, and with you as part of a far larger thing. This also translates into the entertainment as education aspect of this whole thing we are doing means. An act you learn to do and produce will speak a billion words. This will definitely get attention, and it is incontrovertible – you cannot argue with it. And the kind of music you may come to know and write and produce will be nothing like what exists today, because you’ll most likely learn to use the true Pythagorean scale, from which creation itself comes. Think also of the value of getting to know your flying friends by pressing the flesh, as it were. Don’t discount it.
Maybe being here is what they hope you will use in getting to that point with them. There is a far larger issue, many new problems and immense opportunity all blended into one phenomenon in that. But this is one phenomenon we will have to participate in very carefully and very intelligently. We are not without contacts in this respect. And much, much more needs to yet be done in this area.So welcome to the stage, brother. Life will never again be the same for you. Only you can determine and decide if what you’ve chosen was the right thing for you. I suspect strongly it is, but that is not for me to declare with strong emphasis. Funny, though, the stage onto which you’ve jumped in your vision or dream is not the only one where there is a small audience. This one too has an audience of a handful now. But, as the message to me was, Build it and they will come,” said, they will and they are coming. As all the other Research Fellows are finding out now, you too will realize that you’ll learn by teaching others that you develop, evolve into, and become.” –  AR Bordon (Secret NSA/ Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)
 The Anunnaki are communicating Sacred Knowledge through “Encoded” Crop Circles!

Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form.

How will we use it? With whom will we be communicating? Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation…. again?

The numerical coincidences are too compelling…. All over the world and for thousands of years, humanity has revered certain number sequences: 108, 144, 360, 432, 1080, 2160. But why? What is it about these and many other numbers that jar something so deep within us that we incorporate them into our myths and spiritual beliefs?

The answer could be frequency harmonics. We measure sound frequencies in vibration cycles per second, and the numbers listed above – when played as frequencies – just happen to mirror the exact harmonic patterns found in nature. The thing is, the timekeeping unit known as the “second” did not exist until quite recently in our history, so how could our ancestors have known about these harmonies? Here’s where the mystery really gets deep. You see, the 60-based mathematical system that led to the creation of the second is not only thousands of years old, it was supposedly “gifted” to humanity from “Heavenly Visitors Who Came From the Skies”……….the Anunnaki!

Is it possible that a seed was planted, then given 5,000 years to bloom? You be the judge. And please share this video if it resonates with you.


A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432 Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.

I will be making these works of Art and power subtle energy Anunnaki Cosmic Healing Crystal Disks available at my new Website available worldwide!

Check out my website for more information on these disks and check often because not only will the Enki Cosmic 432 Healing Crystal Disk be available at my website, I will be putting up a lot of one of a kind pieces in the near future like this beauty. Also please take a look around for more info on my Lake Erie UFO research and story of Anunnaki contact as well as information on my  music!

Anunnaki 432 HZ Crystal Energy Disks – Testimonial by: Solreta & Peter Maxwell Slattery


Michael Lee Hill