Anunnaki Bling: EA Rainbow Warrior 432 necklace!
What I want to share is that I have designed a brand new necklace based around my now kinda famous with nerds like me 432 hz cymatic Image but this new piece is the same as the last yet it is now double-sided, one side featured the 432 image with normal human Rainbow Chakra Colors, the other side is the same 432 hz image but with the reversed human Rainbow Chakra Colors.
There will be Stainless steel clasp which connects the piece to the 22 inch Stainless steel ball chain.
I am calling it the EA Rainbow Warrior 432 necklace!
I am so excited about these new Necklaces!
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
An awesome company called CymaScope created a super cool cymatic image from me playing my own guitar through my own guitar amplifiers tuned to the most harmonious cosmic A=432 HZ frequency, NOT our present day A=440 HZ standard and the results have even floored the makers of this cutting edge cymatic science technology. Here is what they had to say.
“Thank you for sending the WAV (Audio) file. I have now imaged it. I chose to capture it in video mode as well as in still mode because this is actually the first time ever that an electric guitar has been imaged on a CymaScope. The geometry it contains is extraordinary. Here’s why I think that is so: The (Tube) distortion effect applied to the guitar signal is probably based on simple clipping in which the original sinusoidal signals are subjected to signal limiting above a certain threshold.This has the effect of causing square-topped signal envelopes. FFT analysis of square waves shows a rich field of higher harmonics, needed, in a sense, to create the very steep-sided signal envelopes and fast rise times seen in square waves. I hypothesise that it is this rich harmonic content that is manifesting such complex geometry.” – John Stuart Reid (CymaScope)
432 Hertz is a harmonic of light frequency it ‘speaks’ or ‘resonates’ directly with our cells. All cells communicate with each other via infrared light so I imagine that when they receive music in 432 Hertz they are in joy. The conscious mind may not be aware of this, but most of what goes on in our bodies is sub conscious, thankfully! You can read more about how all sounds create infra red light in the physics section of our web site CymaScope™ ” – John Stuart Reid (CymaScope)
432 Hertz truly can be considered a harmonic of light. Sound in air may be defined as the transfer …of periodic movements between adjacent colliding atoms or molecules. This sonic energy typically expands away from the site of the collisions–at the local speed of sound–as a spherical or bubble-shaped emanation, the surface of which is in a state of radial oscillation. At the point of origin of the sonic bubble an electromagnetic bubble is created by the collisions between the air molecules, because each collision creates friction that releases a small amount of infrared electromagnetism. That magnetism, like the sonic bubble, expands away from source spherically and it is modulated by the sonic periodicities, in much the same way that an amplitude-modulated radio broadcast consists of an electromagnetic carrier that is modulated in amplitude by, say, a person’s voice frequencies. Thus, the relationship between sound and light is real and very much part of the way that nature works. We cannot talk about the 432 Hertz key note without visualizing a 432 Hertz-modulated infrared light bubble.” – John Stuart Reid (CymaScope)
Here is what the famous Nassim Haramein (director of research for The Resonance Project) had to say regarding my Cymascope cymatic image of my guitars A =432 Hertz image.
“Universal tuning to 432 Hz makes sense because it creates such incredible resonance naturally in the structure of space as evidenced by this image of a 432Hz frequency being played into a fluid medium and imaged, a process known as Cymatics. The story of how we all ended up tuning the note A to 440Hz is a long one with many different factors coming into play, the point is to move forward with our new knowledge of physics, frequency, vibration and the universe in general and work toward increasing coherency and resonance by tuning our minds and literally our instruments in music to naturally occurring highly resonant frequencies..” – Nassim Haramein
“Michael, the pendant that you designed, literally changes the DNA of anyone wearing it as It brings in pure resonance of the God I AM and gives the wearer increased resistance to the Archons and their lower frequencies.” -Shirley Bolstok
The Rainbow Warrior
That necklace is called the “Rainbow Warrior” in memory of the Indian story called “The Rainbow Warrior.” Would you like to ‘Hear that story?
Do you know what a rainbow is, Yes, a beautiful bow of colors in the sky. A warrior is a brave person. One who has courage instead of being afraid.
Well, the Indians would tell this story to their children around the campfire. The story goes like this:
Some time in the future, the Indians said, the animals would begin to disappear. People would no longer see the wolf, or the bear, or the eagles. And, the story goes, the giant trees would also disappear. And people would fight with each other and not love each other. And, the story goes, the beautiful rainbow in the sky would fade away, and people would not see the rainbow anymore.
Well, children would come. And these children would love the animals, and they would bring back the animals. They would love trees, and they would bring back the giant trees. And these children would love other people and they would help people to live in peace with, each other. And these children would love the rainbow, and they would bring back the beautiful rainbow in the sky. For this reason the Indians called these children the rainbow warriors. Now let me ask you a question.
Do you love animals or hate animals? (We love animals.) Do you love trees or hate trees? (We love trees.) Do you love people or hate people? (We love people.) Do you love the rainbow or hate the rainbow? (We love the rainbow.)
Well, if you love animals and trees, people and rainbows, then maybe you are a rainbow warrior and this necklace is for you?
Michael Lee Hill
EA – Grandfather Rainbow Eagle
For ordering: