Privacy Policy
Copyright Policy
Thank you for visiting Information and graphics in this website is the property of All rights reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form and distributed for commercial purposes without the written permission of The contents of this site are protected by US and international copyright law. Reproduction and redistribution of our content without express written consent is prohibited.
Web visitors who wish to reproduce, redistribute or reprint any copyrighted content in this website may contact us and submit a request. We will provide a quick reply. We appreciate your cooperation. We encourage links to our website.
Privacy Policy
We do not share our customer’s information with any third party. All emails and personal order information is held in the strictest of confidence and not shared for any purpose. We honor all CAN SPAM laws against unwarranted contact with you.
Visitor Privacy
We understand that visitors to our site and shoppers in our Ecommerce pages are concerned about security and privacy. is committed to helping you protect your privacy by prohibiting the use of tracking cookies and other tools to obtain information about you while you are a visitor in our website. Information you give us during your shopping experience is encrypted and retained in customary secure files. We do not sell or divulge your personal information to other entities without your permission, and we honor all CAN SPAM laws against unwarranted contact with you. We take careful steps to protect your credit card and billing information. Please remember that if you ever receive credit card charges for products and services you did not order, Fair Credit Billing Act specifies that your credit card company cannot hold you responsible for more than $50.00 of unauthorized transactions. We are an ethics oriented company and we do not use popup ads or intrusive messaging to distract you from your web experience. When you connect to our website, certain information is automatically passed to us. We do analyze web activity to improve our services to you, but we cannot and do not attempt to determine the identity of our visitors.
By submitting testimonials, you are giving us permission for us to post them on the website. All testimonials submitted will be reviewed before posting. may edit the content to make it presentable on the web. We will do so with a commitment to preserve your wording and meaning. Spanish and other language testimonials will be kept in their native language. If your submission does not appear on the site within a few weeks of sending it, please feel free to contact us at
E-mail and Mail Contact
If you have subscribed to any of our publications and wish to cancel your subscription and suspend our outreach to you, please e-mail: and we will promptly honor your request. Again, we do not share your contact information with other agencies without your express permission.
We’re glad you took the time to explore our website and invite you to get in touch. If you have any questions about our rights and responsibilities, please e-mail us at