In the last 5 years, there has been a major escalation in UFO sightings. Orbs of light, often in triangular formation!

Article from the website

In the last 5 years, there has been a major escalation in UFO sightings. Orbs of light, often in triangular formation, have been appearing all over the world. It is obvious that they are not flares, balloons, or Chinese lanterns. There truly are only two possibilities: they are in fact some form of extra-terrestrial spacecrafts, or they are military.

Here’s why they aren’t military:

1. The technology is too advanced. These are not solid triangular crafts, they are individual orbs of light. They are clearly employing anti-gravity technology. There are many videos and eyewitness accounts in which they are seen accelerating at high rates of speed and maneuvering in ways that suggest a level of technology hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of ours.

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