Communication with the Anunnaki and what has been revealed to me! - The revealing of the Arc of the Covenant!
My Communication with the Anunnaki ended up involving Crop Circles, I had a fascination with Crop Circles for a very long time and had viewed some documentaries on the subject so when the Anunnaki met me face to face in 2008 and communicated to me that they were once known as the Anunnaki and that I was once known as Ea-Enki, The Water Bearer, I asked them for confirmation.
In early 2009 I had asked them to encode the name Ea-Enki into a crop circle saying if you are who you say you are and I am who you say I am, encode the names Ea-Enki into a crop Circle and I would be sure to take notice My 2nd thought was what a silly request
😉 I imagined a huge crop circle with the name Enki written in it, what the heck was that going to prove? But then I thought if you are who you say you are you will figure it out and then I got cocky, I said while your at it, encode it also with something only I would be able to decode.
Please know that when I met the Anunnaki in 2008, there was no Ancient Aliens on TV, I didn’t even know what a Anunnaki was so them telling me I was once known as Ea-Enki made no sense to me at all.
So I sat backed and waited for my Magic Ea-Enki encoded crop circle to arrive.
After 2 years of waiting, in 2011 a crop circle in Italy showed up encoding the names Ea-Enki into a 7-Pointed Star Crop Circle and they also encoded it in something I would only be able to decode, I was guided to understand the relationship of the 7-Pointed Star inside the Ea-Enki Crop Circle to the 432 Hz subject that they also had been guiding me into.
That 51.428 Arc is forever tied to the seven pointed star which is related to 432 Hz based mathematics and physics, meaning the 7 pointed star is created by a 4 octaves below 432 frequency (27hz) as provable by today’s scientific cymatic imaging technology which makes frequency, the invisible visible for the first time.
“When Scientists learn that the seven-pointed star has a forward progression and recreates itself infinitely as a whole unit, there will be huge leaps in the progress of man.” – Native American Elder Bear Bearcloud
check out this Scientific Water Cymatic image of 4 octaves below 432 Hz (27 hz) being pumped through water.
The 27 Hz frequency (432 Hz Diaspan) makes a perfect 7-pointed star held in place by nothing but frequency!

360 degrees in a circle dived by 7 = 51.428
Since that time in 2011, Crop Circles have been an important tool between them and myself, a way for them to communicate truths regarding Cosmic Harmonious frequencies, the 7-Pointed Star, The Arc of the Covenant, 432 Hz physics & mathematics, and the new science of cymatics which makes the geometry of frequency visible for the first time
The method of using Crop Circles as a communication device between the Anunnaki and myself came to fruition this summer 2018 crop circle season starting June 4th 2018 and them giving me a crash course of the new life physics behind the 7-Pointed star and unlimited Free Energy.”
Let me share how I created the most important Crop Circles in this form of Anunnaki communication into what I call Anunnaki Energy Disks which I create then I will will fill in more detail.
The culmination of my communications with the Anunnaki via crop circles was the new, Seven-Petaled Seed of Life (second from the left) sacred geometry crop circle given to mankind for the first time ever in 2018!
I was going back and forth with the Anunnaki regarding the Arc of the Covenant 51.428 arc, the Seven-Pointed Star, and its relation to 432 Hz for what it all meant. I wondered, and I asked the Anunnaki what a Seven-Pointed Star created from mirrored 51.4328 arcs as each petal of the Seven-Pointed Star would look like. They immediately laid this unknown, sacred geometry symbol into a field for me to see in July 2018 via this recent crop circle.
Somebody is trying to tell us something. If I had to guess, it's to show that 432 Hz = energy!
The revealing of the Divine Arc of the Covenent!
Thank you to my beloved Sarah Eau for helping me research all of this
The June 4th 2018 Enki 7-Pointed Star Crop Circle encodes the revelation!

A baktun is 20 katun cycles of the ancient Maya Long Count Calendar. It contains 144,000 days.

So one Baktun = 144,000 days
So I learned first off that the Mayan Calender ends after the 13th Baktun. This is because the 14th Baktun marks the entry into the next processional cycle being the Age of Aquarious
The 14th Baktun is actually the 1st Baktun of the Age Of Aquarious thus no 14th Baktun.
So I thought if the 14 Baktun marks the end of the Mayan Calender and the entry into the Age of Aquarious the thought occurred to me...
What is 144,000 × 14?
144,000 × 14 = 2016000
Or 2016!
This made my heart rejoice because Spirit had revealed this to me a few years back and this confirmation set the tone for the rest of the night.
OK, now on the the good stuff.
Arc of the Covenant
1. a part of the circumference of a circle or other curve.
Covenant. Literally, a contract. In the Bible (see also Bible), an agreement between Creator and his people, in which Creator makes promises to his people and, usually, requires certain conduct from them.
Early morning June 4th 2018, I began becoming kinda obsessed with relaying the importance of the relationship of 7-pointed star, 432Hz physics, cymatics, and crop circles.
I created this meme the early morning of June 4th 2018, I will share that in the responses below.

The day of June 4th the recent 7-POINTED STAR crop circle shows up!

Fast forward to last night, a voice kept telling me to get out of bed and divide a full circle by 7
As it turns out:
360÷7 = 51.428
I began looking into if 51.428 may be significant in any way.
As you can see in the drone video of this new June 4th crop circle, this land is just loaded with ancient mound sites.
This entire area long ago was one huge mound complex.
The largest of those mounds is in Avebury UK.
.. while the Avebury monument was built on a latitude (51.428) which is the result of 360/7. ... It is also coincidentally the same as the exterior angle of the Khafre Pyramid at Giza.
So wait a minute, the the 7-Pointed Star crop circle which is created by seven 51.428 Arc' s and is put right alongside a huge mound complex, the largest being Avebury is located on Latitude 51.428????
And the village of Dorset where this new crop circle showed up can't be an accident, Dorset Road runs the latitude 51.428
And the Arc 51.428 being encoded into the pyramids?
The Arc of the Covenant is 51.428
The Pyramid is actually 8 sided which can only be seen on two days of the year, the Spring and Fall Equinoxes.
Mind blowing in itself.
So if you think about it, there has to be more than one particular angle involved in its construction
I believe the 51.428 Angle is the hidden Arc of the Covenant knowledge encoded into the Pyramid which only reveals itself twice a year
360 degrees divided by 7 = 51.428
The 7-Pointed Star
which relates to the 432 HZ frequency
Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval in The Message of the Sphinx point out that "the relationship, in a scale of 1 : 43,200, that exists between the dimensions of the Pyramid and the dimensions of the earth. Setting aside for the moment the question of whether we are dealing with coincidence here, it is a simple fact, verifiable on any pocket calculator, that if you take the monument's original height (481.3949 feet) and multiply it by 43,200 you get a quotient of 3938.685 miles. This is an underestimate by just 11 miles of the true figure for the polar radius of the earth (3949 miles) worked out by the best modern methods. Likewise, if you take the monument's perimeter at the base (3023.16 feet) and multiply this figure by 43,200 then you get 24,734.94 miles - a result that is within 170 miles of the true equatorial circumference of the earth (24,902 miles). Moreover, although 170 miles sounds quite a lot, it amounts, in relation to the earth's total circumference, to a minus-error of only three quarters of a single per cent."
That 51.428 Ark is forever tied to the seven pointed star which is related to 432 based mathematics being the 7 pointed star is created by a 4 octaves below 432 frequency (27hz) as provable by today's scientific cymatic technology.
The only Arc that will ever produce the 432 based seven pointed star is 51.428
It was cool to receive this message from the Famous Colin Andrews! I have been a fan of Colin's work and research into crop circles for a very long time, so it's nice to be recognized by my peers so to speak 😉
"Some excellent work you have done with this Michael. (Recent Ea-Enki 7-pointed star crop circles relationship to 432 Hz proven through todays scientific cymatic technology) What do you think we should be doing with the 432 Hz?" - Colin Andrew
My answer to Collin.
The pryamid chamber's are tuned to 432, I think water can be separated into oxygen and hydrogen through resonance. I am starting to think this is the case.
Why the 7-POINTED Star is so important?
Think of E=MC2
432 squared = C in Einstein's equation
432 based frequency squared = C squared × mass = energy
I think 432 frequencies can lead us into unlimited free energy.
The 7- Pointed Star is created from a 4 octaves below the 432 Hz frequency (being a 27 Hz frequency) being pumped through a scientific cymatic device, a perfect 7-POINTED STAR is created from frequency alone!

"When Scientists learn that the seven-pointed star has a forward progression and recreates itself infinitely as a whole unit, there will be huge leaps in the progress of man.” – Native American Elder Bear Bearcloud
Why is the 7-POINTED STAR Enki's?

In 2011 for the first time ever a crop circle wàs left with it's makers signature encoded into at it in Ascii binary code which when decoded read EA-ENKI.
This crop circle was also based on a 7-Pointed star.
The World Map from Babylon (Anunnaki) is also based on a 7-Pointed Star 😉

Why the 7-POINTED Star is so important?
It guides us into 432 Hz mathematics
which will lead humanity into Unlimited Free Energy.
The pryamid chamber's are tuned to 432, I think water can be separated into oxygen and hydrogen through resonance. I am starting to think this is the case.
Think of E=MC2
432 squared = C in Einstein's equation
432 based frequency squared = C squared × mass = energy
I think 432 frequencies can lead us into unlimited free energy.
That last picture shows a A= 27 HZ (4 OCTAVES BELOW 432) scientific cymatic image creating the 7 pointed star!
(51.428... degrees). This 1/7th is connected to the 7 parts of the circle, and links to the anointed number 6.9444 which is Bruce Cathie's Reciprocal of Light Harmonic. How did we get this value of 6.9444.
This means that the Speed of Light expressed as 186,000 m/s is really 144,000 nautical miles per grid second or 144,000 minutes of arc per Earth grid second) in the vacuum of space. To get the reciprocal of the Speed of Light, on your calculator, divide 1 by 144 and you get .0069444.
In the world of Harmonics, we can slide the decimal to the left or to the right, and remove any zeroes. This .0069444 is connected to 6.9444 Harmonic
which is close to 7. Remember, the Pyramid Base Angle is approximately 1/7th of the full circle).
So OK, Wait another minute! 51.428 is also related to 144,000 which is the exact numbers of days in the Baktun Mayan Calender long count? which encircle this seven pointed star created by seven 51.428 Arcs?

It's all a interconnected system of checks and balances so when the divine Arc Of 51.428 is revealed to the world leading mankind into the Age of Aquarious, all of these synchronicities would be revealed revealing this is the true Arc of the Covenent.
As I have said, All around Earths Latitude line of 51.428 in the UK there are 7-Pointed Star and other Crop Circles showing up.
Somebody is trying to tell us something
something about Cosmic Physics and the 432 Hz frequency I believe..
I decided to look into all the reported crop Circles starting in 2009
sorted by Order found, Date, County,Town, Crop,
Map Coordinates.
What I have uncovered has been so startling to me that I don't think I am even going any further in this line of research, All the crop Circles in the UK are showing up around 51.428, They are ALL around Earths Latitude line 51.428.
1 14 April 2009 Wiltshire Avebury Oilseed rape 51.426769, -1.853218
2 19 April 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Oilseed rape 51.425437, -1.853256
3 21 April 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Oilseed rape 51.425437, -1.853256
4 23 April 2009 Wiltshire Avebury Oilseed rape 51.426769, -1.853218
5 24 April 2009 Wiltshire Morgan's Hill Oilseed rape 51.403330, -1.959740
6 25 April 2009 Wiltshire Liddington Castle Oilseed rape 51.516007, -1.700306
7 29 April 2009 Wiltshire Roundway Hill Oilseed rape 51.367748, -1.978504
8 03 May 2009 Wiltshire East Kennett Oilseed rape 51.406727, -1.831316
9 04 May 2009 Wiltshire Clatford Oilseed rape 51.404984, -1.770674
10 06 May 2009 Wiltshire All Cannings Oilseed rape 51.355853, -1.89488
11 09 May 2009 Wiltshire Swindon Oilseed rape 51.558418, -1.781985
12 10 May 2009 Wiltshire Roundway Devizes Oilseed rape 51.36806, -1.980812
13 24 May 2009 Wiltshire Barbury Castle Barley 51.485458, -1.786808
14 24 May 2009 Wiltshire Bishops Cannings 51.378264, -1.9485
15 24 May 2009 Wiltshire Windmill Hill 51.441528, -1.876216
16 29 May 2009 Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy Barley 51.566599 -1.595996
17 01 June 2009 Wiltshire Beckhampton Barley 51.426769, -1.853218
18 02 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Barley 51.377160, -1.850559
19 02 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Barley 51.377160, -1.850559
20 03 June 2009 Wiltshire Yatesbury Barley 51.443646, -1.910184
21 05 June 2009 Wiltshire Chiseldon Barley 51.514499, -1.73567
22 08 June 2009 Wiltshire Bishops Cannings Barley 51.378264, -1.9485
23 12 June 2009 Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy Barley 51.566599 -1.595996
24 12 June 2009 Wiltshire Yatesbury Barley 51.443646, -1.910184
25 13 June 2009 Wiltshire Tawesmead Copse Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
26 13 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Barley 51.377160, -1.850559
27 14 June 2009 Wiltshire Barbury Castle Wheat 51.485458, -1.786808
28 15 June 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Wheat 51.425437, -1.853256
29 17 June 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Wheat 51.425437, -1.853256
30 19 June 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Wheat 51.425437, -1.853256
31 20 June 2009 Wiltshire Waden Hill nr Avebury Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
32 21 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
33 21 June 2009 Wiltshire West Kennett Wheat 51.425437, -1.853256
34 22 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
35 22 June 2009 Essex Rochford Wheat 51.583814, 0.707085
36 23 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
37 24 June 2009 Wiltshire Winterbourne Bassett Wheat 51.472769, -1.851955
38 25 June 2009 Wiltshire Martinsell Hill Wheat 51.469394, -1.811907
39 27 June 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
40 27 June 2009 Wiltshire Honeystreet Wheat 51.369316, -1.837120
41 27 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
42 28 June 2009 Wiltshire Beckhampton Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
43 28 June 2009 Wiltshire Beckhampton Linseed 51.426769, -1.853218
44 28 June 2009 Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse Wheat 51.323804, -1.759454
45 30 June 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
46 01 July 2009 Wiltshire Waden Hill nr Avebury Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
47 02 July 2009 Wiltshire Milk Hill Wheat 51.377160, -1.850559
48 04 July 2009 Wiltshire Beckhampton Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
49 04 July 2009 Wiltshire Pewsey Wheat 51.337689, -1.767535
50 05 July 2009 Wiltshire Devizes Wheat 51.351982, -1.994756
51 05 July 2009 Wiltshire Silbury Hill Wheat 51.41543, -1.857584
52 05 July 2009 Wiltshire Stanton St. Bernard Wheat
51.361071, -1.863895
53 06 July 2009 Wiltshire Honeystreet Wheat
51.369316, -1.837120
54 07 July 2009 Wiltshire Clatford Wheat 51.404984, -1.770674
55 08 July 2009 Wiltshire Yatesbury Wheat 51.443646, -1.910184
56 09 July 2009 Warwickshire Chesterton Wheat 52.223821, -1.4879
57 09 July 2009 Wiltshire Stanton St. Bernard Wheat 51.361071, -1.863895
58 09 July 2009 Warwickshire Chesterton Wheat 52.223821, -1.4879
59 10 July 2009 Wiltshire All Cannings Wheat 51.355853, -1.89488
60 11 July 2009 Warwickshire Radford Wheat 52.431106, -1.51067
61 13 July 2009 Wiltshire All Cannings Wheat 51.355853, -1.89488
62 13 July 2009 Hampshire Chilcomb Down Wheat 51.056720, -1.257490
63 14 July 2009 Wiltshire Alton Barnes Wheat 51.358248, -1.848517
64 14 July 2009 Wiltshire Grey Wethers Wheat 51.431109, -1.804933
65 14 July 2009 Hampshire Hinton Admiral Wheat 50.757136, -1.712485
66 19 July 2009 Wiltshire Martinsell Hill Wheat 51.469394, -1.811907
67 19 July 2009 Wiltshire Liddington Castle Wheat 51.516007, -1.700306
68 22 July 2009 Wiltshire Woodborough Hill Wheat 51.337885, -1.847012
69 24 July 2009 Wiltshire Ogbourne Down Wheat 51.468980, -1.755065
70 25 July 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
71 25 July 2009 Wiltshire Tawesmead Copse Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
72 28 July 2009 Wiltshire Winterbourne Bassett Wheat 51.472769, -1.851955
73 29 July 2009 Wiltshire Ogbourne St. Andrews Wheat 51.454574, -1.757801
74 31 July 2009 Wiltshire Hackpen Hill Wheat 51.472188, -1.816735
75 31 July 2009 Wiltshire Winterbourne Bassett Wheat 51.472769, -1.851955
76 31 July 2009 Wiltshire Waden Hill nr Avebury Wheat 51.426769, -1.853218
77 01 August 2009 Wiltshire Morgan's Hill Wheat 51.403330, -1.959740
78 02 August 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
79 03 August 2009 Wiltshire Silbury Hill Wheat 51.41543, -1.857584
80 03 August 2009 Oxfordshire Rollright Stones Wheat 51.97489, -1.569024
81 03 August 2009 Oxfordshire Rollright Stones Wheat 51.97489, -1.569024
82 04 August 2009 Staffordshire Wheaton Aston Wheat 52.711359, -2.220683
83 06 August 2009 Wiltshire Windmill Hill Wheat 51.441528, -1.876216
84 06 August 2009 Wiltshire Yatesbury Wheat 51.443646, -1.910184
85 08 August 2009 Wiltshire West Overton Wheat 51.411166, -1.813663
86 08 August 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
87 08 August 2009 Wiltshire Alton Priors Wheat 51.359303, -1.84243
88 09 August 2009 Hampshire Bishop Sutton Wheat 51.083773, -1.135929
89 10 August 2009 Wiltshire Woodborough Hill Wheat 51.337885, -1.847012
90 10 August 2009 Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy Wheat 51.566599 -1.595996
91 15 August 2009 Dorset Weymouth Wheat 50.608794, -2.454146
92 16 August 2009 Wiltshire Tidcombe Wheat 51.323789, -1.585382
93 29 August 2009 Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy Maize 51.566599 -1.595996
Update on current revelations and messages being given to me by friends in high places.
As you know, I was guided to understand the connection between a seven pointed star and the Arc 0f the Covenant 51.428,
360 divided by 7 = 51.428
And then then to realize there are 7-Pointed Star Crop Circles appearing right now along Earths 51.428 Latitude line.
so in my mind I kept seeing a circle in my mind and see the first arc 51.428 highlighted in red
I thought...
A. what would that 51.428 Arc look like if it were removed from the circle so to speak and were mirrored with itself to form an "eye" shape? An actual "eye" created from the 51.428 Arc.
Then my next thought was I wonder what a Seven pointed star created from these 51.428 Divine Arc "Eyes" would look like?
Then the crop circle in photo one showed up answering my question.
I wanted to see the seven pointed star created by these 7 arcs completed so picture #2 shows this result
What they have revealed to me about all of this is just about at the furtest ability of my being able to understand it.
what I want to say is that everything we as a race and understand is connected to the "Seed Of Life" Sacred Geometry and it's relationship with physical reality.
This Seed Of Life Sacred Symbol is created from 7 circles
(See picture #4) This crop circle showed up in 2010 and was encoded with E=mc2 in Binary code and is obviously related to the "seed Of Life"
This version of the Seed of life is also related to the whole 432 Hz subject, a D=36Hz (432 Diaspan) created this "seed of Life" geometry!
Then the crop circle in picture #1 showing up answering my question.
This 7 51.428 Arc "Eyes" as the 7 pointed star is showing us a entirely new "Seed OF Life" configuration unknown to mankind. ( See Picture #6)
I have been told mankind is about to evolve out of Human Version 1.0 created from the 6 pointed star "Seed Of Life" to Human Version 3.0 which will be created from this new 7 pointed star "Seed Of life" Sacred Geometry
Both 6 and 7 pointed star "Seeds of life" geometries are both created from 7 circles and nothing more than Vesica Piscis geometry.
In the 6 pointed star version, one circle is in the middle and the other 6 are surrounding it.
The new 7-pointed Star "Seed Of Life" is also created by 7 circles but these 7 all form the actual circle with no middle so to speak.
It's like nature is evolving and we are being given the blueprint.
Interesting as well, divide a circle and you get the Arc of the Covenant 51.438
But multiply a circle by 7 and you will either come of with the 6-pointed star SEED OF LIFE or the 7 pointed star SEED OF LIFE depending how your 7 circles are placed.
OK, This is getting a little strange.
As I have revealed, The Anunnaki have guided me to understand that recent 7-Pointed Star Crop Circles have been appearing on and all around the Earth Latitude line of 51.428
Which is also directly related to the 7 Pointed Star, 360/7=51.428
And that is related to the 432 Hz subject matter.
I don't talk about this much but I have also been recognized as Arch Angel Michael or Ea by the Native American Indians in my official naming ceremony as Rainbow Warrior Eagle .
“Wimunke” means ‘Rainbow’. The ‘n’ is a nasal sound, like in the word ‘IN’. “Akicita”, (Ah-Kee-Chee-Tah) is Warrior, “Wambdi” (Wahm-Bdee) is ‘Eagle’. The ‘Eagle Nation’ is the Spirit that gave you the name, which is why it is at the end of your ‘Gift’. “Akicita Wimunke’ Wambdi” You are: “Rainbow Warrior Eagle”. Hau! Pray well and know the Spirit acknowledges your Spirit as this name and will carry your prayers with great enthusiasm to the Creator’s Heart.” – Chief Blue Star Eagle
They also returned Archangel Michael's sword to me, telling me it had been in their safe keep for a very long time and it was a crystal sword made by the same process as the ancient crystal skulls.
I know this all sounds bat shit crazy but the Sword is sitting in Sarah and my living room as I am typing this, I have posted a few pictures of it here not really disclosing what it truly was because I know what it sounds like, and I have never associated myself with Arch Angel Michael but I thought it was interesting to me that the Native American Indian Elders thought so.
Well what I just found out about that 51.428 Latitude Ley Line kinda blew my mind.
Looking into all of this now, that I would share and perhaps we can figure some of this out together.
The Avebury circle is sited on the latitude 51.428° North, (Which is also the result of 360°/7)
It is known as 'St. Michaels' ley-line
WTF right?
Avebury, Stonehenge and Glastonbury form a right angled triangle accurate to within 1/1000. The 'St. Michaels' ley-line from Glastonbury to Avebury coincides with the Mayday sunrise, crossing the longest possible stretch of Southern Britain. The ley runs from St. Michael's mount to Brent tor, Cadbury, Trull, Creech St Michael, Lyng, Othery, Burrowbrigde, Glastonbury, Buckland dingham, Avebury, Ogbourne St George, East Hendred and Bury St Edmonds (All these sites have or had churches dedicated to the dragon-killing Saints Michael and George).

Can't make this shit up ;-)
Stay Tuned ;-)
Michael - Ea - Rainbow Warrior Eagle