I am beginning to understand that obviously somebody knew Eastlake Ohio
Hertz frequency as provable through Cymatics.
was the home of the “Lost Nation” and the first establishment of the mound builders who then became the Iroquois! And recorded that knowledge into in our actual Eastlake street names long ago!
As somebody was trying to erase this history from the history books, somebody else was putting the story down into the actual street names in this area, saving it for the future, Now.
One of America’s largest Earth Mound complex & pyramids was right here in Eastlake Ohio and this is the location of the first “Mound Builder” culture in the world!
What I am about to reveal is the landing place, the homeland… The “Promised land” of the “Lost Nation” is Eastlake Ohio!
Earth Works like the famous Serpent Mound in Western Ohio.And it was destroyed in the past and a school now sit’s on that land.
What a serious loss and it pisses me off that we destroyed these beautiful Earth Mounds that encoded so much information that is now lost forever.
This marker monument is all that remains at this historical mound site site now

Bare with me, trying to sort all of this out, As you will see, The Atlantian Nephilim mound builders, arrived in Eastlake Ohio which they titled Tioga, meaning the “Entering Place – Peaceful Valley’’ in Iroquois language.
How does this all tie to Anunnaki team good cop & team bad cop? And the revealing of the so called “Lost Nation”?
Next into Eastlake Ohio came the Erie Indians
Erie indians?

As a whole, the Five (later Six) Nations Iroquois also referred to the Erie Indians as the “Otkons”, or “bad spirits”.
The Otkon is a broad term for the negative energy, things, beings and or forces that live in the world around us as well as try to penetrate this world from the underworld, the skies or other dimensions of consciousness and reality. Otkon was considered by the Iroquois, an evil energy that could possess, destroy and be focused as a weapon against people, objects and animals.
Some historical accounts have stated that the Mohawks of the Mohawk Valley, believed strongly in the existence of Witchcraft and those who wielded the negative power of Otkon were often said to be influenced by the “Evil Minded One”. This dark archetype was a Satan like being who some said took the form of a reptilian snake man. It was said that the “Evil Minded One” was trying to manifest itself in human form and often tried mating with unsuspecting Iroquois woman.
The most mention the Erie usually get is that a war started between them and the Five Nations Iroquois in 1653 during the Beaver Wars, and by 1656 it was all over and done with and the Erie were no more. The problem is that those “facts” contain only a smidgen of truth.
What I am revealing is that Eastlake Ohio is/was the location of that epic Battle between Anunnaki Nephilim Mound Builder light and dark sides!
Erie Indian = Dark side bloodline, the “Otkons”, or “bad spirits” led by Marduk in his role reflecting back a negative polarity.
Iroquois Seneca = Enki led light side, The Thunderbirds, reflecting back a positive polarity to mankind.
Eastlake Ohio is the location of a epic dark & light showdown
Again, not to be blunt but what this means is Eastlake Ohio is also the location of the Iroquois “Peacemaker” story, The Peacemaker was a real Indian Holy Man from the Huron Tribe who crossed Lake Ontario from the Canada side to unite the 5 Iroquois tribes into one confederacy after long years of bloody battles amongst themselves!
The Peacemaker is part of the Iroquois oral tradition. Hiawatha was a strong and articulate Mohawk Native American who was chosen to translate the Peacemaker’s message of unity for the five warring Iroquois nations during the 14th century. This message not only succeeded in uniting the tribes but also forever changed how the Iroquois governed themselves–a blueprint for democracy that would later inspire the authors of the U.S. Constitution.
Obviously somebody knew Eastlake Ohio was the home of the “Lost Nation” and the first establishment of the mound builders who then became the Iroquois and Eastlake Ohio is also the location of the Hiawatha & Peacemaker story that succeeded in uniting the Iroquois tribes!
History Repeating itself?
As I have said, the entire story has been recorded in a Actual Road map encoded into the street names in Eastlake Ohio and recorded that knowledge into in our actual Eastlake street names long ago!
So much is about to be revealed, Hundreds of years ago when the Peacemaker arrived from the Canada side of Lake Ontario into North America, he somehow united the 5 tribes which became the Iroquois Confederacy who had been at war for generations, no small feat.
He did this by uniting the tribes against an Evil Chief Sorcerer named Tadodaho.
Tadodaho was said to have “matted and spiky hair”, and that this visage lent itself to legends that he had snakes in his hair. He is said to have had a “twisted body”, and could kill his enemies from a distance without seeing them. Tadodaho ruled with fear, and his people believed him to be a sorcerer. He scared his own people and also threatened other peoples including the Seneca and Cayuga nations. Tadodaho successfully led his Onondagas in raids against the nearby Cayuga people, and also traveled west and attacked the Seneca people.
Peace among the nations of the Haudenosaunee was delayed due to fear of Tadodaho. Deganawidah of the Mohawk people and Hayehwatha of the Onondaga desired peace between the Haudenosaunee peoples, and the various chiefs were persuaded, except for Tadodaho, who was seen as a hindrance to the Great Law of Peace.
Cool thing is that The History Channel did a great documentary on the Peacemaker Saga and exactly how the Iroquois became united!
The very first Native American Indian Nephilim/Mound Builder site in North America, The location of the New Atlantis revealed!
Edgar Cayce indicated that the largest migration from Atlantis occurred just before 10,000 B.C. The majority of these Atlantean survivors went to the Northeastern coastal areas of America and Canada becoming the Iroquois Native American Tribe of Indians.
It should be recalled that Cayce also stated that not all of the Iroquois were Atlantean. The Atlanteans migrating to the Americas merged with the people already present in America by that time.
The Atlanteans became leaders of the tribes and Cayce’s story makes it clear that the Atlanteans had serious disputes among themselves that were reflected in ongoing violent conflict.
This was the struggle between the Serpent Clan and Thunderbird Law of One groups. This is confirmed by the Iroquois’ ancient history that tells of constant battles resulting in distant displacements of entire tribes to ensure their survival.
Perhaps the most astonishing confirmation of Cayce’s story of ancient America is the presence of haplogroup X. What is known is that the X haplogroup first showed up in America perhaps 34,000 years ago, but its main entry occurred in 10,000 B.C. matching Mr. Cayce’s time frame for Atlantean migrations. The X group also appears to have shown up in ancient Iberia and in the Basques about the same time as well as in the Gobi. These dates match Cayce’s story of the final two destructions of Atlantis and the resulting migrations to these areas.
The Artifact below is the Ancient ENKI Morning Star Cross Symbol and it is on an Artifact removed from the Eastlake Oh Mound builder site!
Eastlake Ancient ENKI Morning Star Symbol
This ancient structure would have matched in importance of other now famous Ohio Earth Works like the famous Serpent Mound in Western Ohio.
Eastlake, Ohio. Already in the 19th Century Charles Whittlesey knew of this artifact-rich site in Eastlake, Ohio. In 1888 Whittlesey described the site as on a river bluff 35 feet high. He observed earthen walls of about 660 feet in length around the Mound site!
Go to mapquest and enter “Lost Nation” Eastlake Ohio, Take “Lost Nation” up until you dead end onto Rt. 283 (Lake Shore BLVD)
Hang a left and within 1.5 miles you arrive at the Eastlake 1st Mound Builder site.
Hang a right off of “Lost NAtion” road instead onto Lake Shore BLVD and look what street names you run into right away…..
look for the road named Tioga. The Iroquois called this Eastlake Ohio area Tioga which is a Iroquois word that means “Entering Place – Peaceful Valley’’
Then check out the other street names…
Cherokee who are Iroquois DNA Cousins!
Next you come to the Iroquois Seneca and Seminole Tribes!
Then the Iroquois Tribe the Mohawk!
And last not but not least the revealing that these tribes make up what are known as the Native American Indian Thunderbird Tribes!
What you will find is where the “Lost Nation” actually went to and what tribes they intermingled into a “Road Map” encoded right into the street names in this Eastlake Area!
I have included here a still frame from Google Maps of what I am revealing here…
Obviously somebody knew Eastlake Ohio was the home of the “Lost Nation” and the first establishment of the mound builders who then became the Iroquois! And recorded that knowledge into in our actual Eastlake street names long ago!
As somebody was trying to erase this history from the history books, somebody else was putting the story down into the actual street names in this area, saving it for the future, Now.
Interesting thoughts I am having regarding who exactly named these roads and when? I am looking into that as we speak.
kinda mind blowing huh?
This is Earth and humanities true hidden history from the actual Native American record keepers!
The Seneca of the Iroquois ALREADY own their own “Country” right now within NEW YORK in the United States, This is NOT a USA Indian reservation so to speak and not many know this fact.
Also Nine months before its 99-year lease was set to expire, the city of Salamanca, the only city in the nation built on land leased from an Indian reservation, has reached a new rental agreement with the Seneca Indians, officials said today.
The agreement calls for a $60 million payment to the Seneca Nation from the Federal and state governments, and for annual lease payments from the city to the Indian nation to increase about 14 times, to $800,000 a year. The new lease would run for 40 years, with an option to renew for another 40 years.
Now we know who the Native Americans truly are ask yourself why The United States still to this day allows the Seneca Iroquois these “privileges”?
I may incorrect on this but it has been communicated to me the Knights Templar know exactly who the Iroquois Native American Indians are because they brought the Sangreal Holy Grail “Bloodline” to the United States which then became the Iroquois when they fled Israel and became lost, or hidden becoming the fabled Lost Nation.
Please let me make something clear, I am not promoting “God’s Chosen People” Agenda as well, I believe they’re are young and old souls here and the acorn is no less significant significant than the giant oak it will become in the creators eyes.
Anyhow, Our United States Forefathers went to the Seneca Iroquois Indians to learn from them how to create the Constitution, and the Unites States. And the Templars then became very involved in the creation of the United States.
This is a fact.
What nobody knows is The Seneca Iroquois Mound Builder tribe kept there “Homeland” out of public knowledge!
I am revealing Eastlake Ohio as our Homeland, The city of Eastlake now is officially announced as being owned by the Iroquois Seneca and I will be meeting with officials and Elders very soon.
Let me explain how the Nephilim Mound Builders have been trying to guide us into the Unlimited Free Energy through the encoding of the most Cosmic Resonant Frequencies related to the 432 Hz frequency through recent Crop Circles and Back through time of the actual dimensions and layout of these Ancient “Mound Builder” sites as well!
In 2010 at Poirino, Italy the precise number of “stars” in a crop circle formation picture specified the famous equation Albert Einstein E = mc2 in decimal ASCII code in a Crop Circle.

A similar crop picture which appeared near Poirino, Italy on June 20, 2011 shows at its centre a large seven-pointed star, Even more interestingly, a series of seven rays along the outside of that new crop picture at Poirino are written in eight-bit ASCII code, and seem to identify the crop artist as “Ea” or “Enki”, who was a extra-terrestrial god in ancient Sumeria. According to ancient legends, he and NINGARHSAG created modern humans by hybridizing sperm from the male gods with eggs taken from local aboriginals, already living on Earth tens of thousands of years ago.
The precise ASCII code which was drawn at Poirino goes as follows, reading clockwise around its large seven-pointed star:
01000101 E
01100001 a
01000101 E
01101110 n
01101011 k
01101001 i
00100000 space
That amazing crop picture also shows a series of “stars” around its seven edges, but it is not clear whether those symbols represent astronomical images around an exploding comet (as for Lane End Down 2005), or rather some clever mathematical code? Counting each set of “stars” individually, we seem to see “3344445”.
Q – 3344445?
A – uspA1 universal stress protein UspA-like nucleotide-binding protein [ Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 ] Gene ID: 3344445
It’s a Gene in our Human DNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now check this out!
These two Crop Circles encode the most harmonious cosmic frequency harmonics!
Let me explain.
Todays quantum physicists say that all physical matter consists both at the same time as wave and Particle.
The Anunnaki have encoded the most harmonious frequencies related to both Wave and Particle Cosmic Physics in these two crop circles!
But E=MC2 does not have a “Frequency/Wave Component in it’s equation. Or does it?
E = Energy
M = Mass
C = Speed Of Light
The 2010 E=MC2 Crop Circle features a Six-Pointed Star which relates to and is created by a D = 36 Hertz frequency as provable through Cymatics.
D = 36 Hertz frequency Water Cyamtic Image
The equivalence of energy (E) and mass (M) is reliant on the speed of light (C) and is described by the famous equation.
The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second.
Here is the kicker though, 432 Hz squared is the speed of light! (Less than 1% Accuracy)
And it’s the 432 Hz based Seven-Pointed Star that is encoded into the Enki-Ea Crop Circle, they are related!
So (C) in the Einstien E=MC2 equation can also be thought of as 432 Hz squared, which now brings in the frequency component!
Please take notice that both Crop Circles, A 27 Hz frequency creating the Enki-Ea Seven-Ponted Star, and the D 36 Hz frequency creating the Six-Pointed “E=MC2” fall within these most harmonic numbers frequecies!
And they both are related to a 432 HZ Pythagorean tuning or Diaspan!
“When Scientists learn that the seven-pointed star has a forward progression and recreates itself infinitely as a whole unit, there will be huge leaps in the progress of man.” – Bear Bearcloud
With the Enki Crop Circle we now know Enki of the Anunnaki has been presenting us and guiding us with the importance of 432 HZ and it’s 4 octave below 432 Hz (27 Hz) (Diapason A 432 Hz) in the form of the seven-pointed star which is encoded into the Enki Crop Circle, they even created the babylonian World Map from it!
So the 2010 “E=MC2” crop circle encodes the D 36 Hz (432 Diaspan Related) “Particle/Mass” piece of the equation puzzle.
The 2011 Enki-Ea Crop Circle encodes the Wave or Frequency piece of the equation puzzle! pointing towards the cosmic 432 HZ Diaspan frequencies.
Check out the Flower Of Life superimposed over the D 36 Hz Six-pointed star Cymatic Image for more proof for your third-eye!
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
432 Hertz is a harmonic of light frequency it ‘speaks’ or ‘resonates’ directly with our cells. All cells communicate with each other via infrared light so I imagine that when they receive music in 432 Hertz they are in joy. The conscious mind may not be aware of this, but most of what goes on in our bodies is sub conscious, thankfully! You can read more about how all sounds create infra red light in the physics section of our web site CymaScope™ ” – John Stuart Reid (CymaScope)
432 Hertz truly can be considered a harmonic of light. Sound in air may be defined as the transfer …of periodic movements between adjacent colliding atoms or molecules. This sonic energy typically expands away from the site of the collisions–at the local speed of sound–as a spherical or bubble-shaped emanation, the surface of which is in a state of radial oscillation. At the point of origin of the sonic bubble an electromagnetic bubble is created by the collisions between the air molecules, because each collision creates friction that releases a small amount of infrared electromagnetism. That magnetism, like the sonic bubble, expands away from source spherically and it is modulated by the sonic periodicities, in much the same way that an amplitude-modulated radio broadcast consists of an electromagnetic carrier that is modulated in amplitude by, say, a person’s voice frequencies. Thus, the relationship between sound and light is real and very much part of the way that nature works. We cannot talk about the 432 Hertz key note without visualizing a 432 Hertz-modulated infrared light bubble.” – John Stuart Reid (CymaScope)
Here is what the famous Nassim Haramein (director of research for The Resonance Project) had to say regarding my Cymascope cymatic image of my guitars A =432 Hertz image.
“Universal tuning to 432 Hz makes sense because it creates such incredible resonance naturally in the structure of space as evidenced by this image of a 432Hz frequency being played into a fluid medium and imaged, a process known as Cymatics. The story of how we all ended up tuning the note A to 440Hz is a long one with many different factors coming into play, the point is to move forward with our new knowledge of physics, frequency, vibration and the universe in general and work toward increasing coherency and resonance by tuning our minds and literally our instruments in music to naturally occurring highly resonant frequencies..” – Nassim Haramein
Dear Michael: (From AR Bordon, Secret NSA/ Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)
Thank you for your email today. I just received a copy of what you sent, and decided to reply with a letter directly to you.
From where I am sitting, I hear two Michaels speak out – the musical Michael, which is a musically inclined personna that has gone through a musical evolution, and the private Michael, which is the one that’s gone through an awakening. Inside, both seem so closely tied that it may or may not be noticeable to you. In here, I’m going to answer to both, and hope that the real Michael (who is the blend of both worlds) understands the words I use in replying to your long note to us, and to me.
This is an interesting exercise for us, because we distinctly get it that it has to do with what your friends who are not from here want you to learn and evolve into. You see, right now, they see and sense your good heart and open, connected intention and life giving ways. You also have music in you, but not in the sense of just playing the guitar or composing songs. You see, to create matter, you need music – or more specifically, sounds. Not just any one sound, but specific sound frequencies in combination. You’ll also learn about this in the course of your concentration. And you’ll learn how to use them to light encode objects out of thin air. Yes, what we spoke about before, As you said in your biography – synchronicity. And the synchronicities do not end there.
With you comes to all of us new roads, avenues and doors that you already opened for yourself. You’ve already crossed these doors. When these new doors you’ve already crossed become aware of your bootstrapping new self, new interest will arise in what you as part of all of us bring to the world. In that sense, the mission you set for yourself comes to pass, and with you as part of a far larger thing. This also translates into the entertainment as education aspect of this whole thing we are doing means. An act you learn to do and produce will speak a billion words. This will definitely get attention, and it is incontrovertible – you cannot argue with it. And the kind of music you may come to know and write and produce will be nothing like what exists today, because you’ll most likely learn to use the true Pythagorean scale, from which creation itself comes. Think also of the value of getting to know your flying friends by pressing the flesh, as it were. Don’t discount it.
Maybe being here is what they hope you will use in getting to that point with them. There is a far larger issue, many new problems and immense opportunity all blended into one phenomenon in that. But this is one phenomenon we will have to participate in very carefully and very intelligently. We are not without contacts in this respect. And much, much more needs to yet be done in this area.So welcome to the stage, brother. Life will never again be the same for you. Only you can determine and decide if what you’ve chosen was the right thing for you. I suspect strongly it is, but that is not for me to declare with strong emphasis. Funny, though, the stage onto which you’ve jumped in your vision or dream is not the only one where there is a small audience. This one too has an audience of a handful now. But, as the message to me was, Build it and they will come,” said, they will and they are coming. As all the other Research Fellows are finding out now, you too will realize that you’ll learn by teaching others what you develop, evolve into, and become.” – AR Bordon (Secret NSA/ Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)
The Anunnaki are communicating Sacred Knowledge through “Encoded” Crop Circles!
With the Enki Crop Circle we now know Enki of the Anunnaki has been presenting us and guiding us with the importance of 432 HZ and it’s 4 octave below 432 Hz (27 Hz) (Diapason A 432 Hz) in the form of the seven-pointed star which is encoded into the Enki Crop Circle, and the D 36 Hz frequency creating the Six-Pointed “E=MC2” fall within these most harmonic numbers frequecies! And they both are related to a 432 HZ Pythagorean tuning or Diaspan!
Let’s go over the Octaves of A = 432, To get to the octave of any given frequency simply double the frequency so…
432 Hz – Unlocking The Magnificence Of The 3, 6 and 9, The Key To The Universe! 432 Hz = 3,6,9 ! They are two ways of expressing the same thing, the real thing!
by Michael Lee Hill
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” Nikola Tesla
We have been left a method of counting and measurement and the importance of dividing a unit by twelve seems to be the main rule given that has been adopted by humanity, Here are some of the ways that I found twelve to be an important number.
12 months
12 hours of clock
12 o’clock is mid day or midnight
12 days of Christmas
12 steps in AA
12 inches to the foot
12 apostles of Christ
12 primary Qi channels in acupuncture
12 constellations of the Zodiac
12 retainers of Sun god, Ra pulls him through
12 gates of the underworld
12 ordeals of Gilgamesh
12 Roman tablets of law
12 Argonauts with Jason
12 tribes of Israel
12 advisors to the Dalai Lama
12 knights of the round Table
12 tribe nation of Native America
12 generals surrounded George Washington
12 notes of the chromatic musical scale
12 – tone music
12 spheres will completely surround one at its center
12 jury members
12 eggs in a dozen
12 grades at school
12 dots on a domino
12 spaces per side of a Backgammon board
12 monkeys (a science fiction story)
12 digits in a bar code (UPC-Universal Product Code)
12 soil classifications (US Agriculture Dept.)
12 dozen to a gross
12 parts to Boy Scout Law-Boy Scout Law. A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal,Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
12 stars on European flag
12 faces of a dodecahedron
12 edges of a cube or octahedron
12 vertices or corners of an ocosahedron
12 spokes to a cartwheel
12 stations of the cross
12 the ways in which Wonder Bread is supposed to build strong bodies
12th Night by Shakespeare
12 points in a pica (unit of type measurement)
12 picas to an inch
12 Angry Men (jurors in a play by Reginald Rose)
12 Mormon Apostles (also called Twelve Elders, Twelve Disciples, or Nephrite Twelve)
12 Levels of the Beaufort Scale from measuring wind speed
12 Boxing Categories (from Light Flyweight to Super Heavyweight)
12 Caesars (first twelve emperors of Rome)
12 Face Cards
12 Federal Reserve Banks
12 Historical Books of the Old Testament (books 6-17)
12 Astrological Houses (as in, “the moon is in the seventh house” which is marriage)
12 Imams (prophets recognized by the Shiite Muslims)
12 Labors of Hercules
12 Levels of the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (for measuring earthquakes)
12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament (last twelve books of the Old Testament)
12 Olympians (Greek and Roman deities)
12 Softball Player positions
12 Trojan Planets (asteroids in the same orbit as Jupiter)
So what happens when you divide today’s music standard of A=440Hz by 12?
440 Hz / 12 = 36.666
So what happens when you divide A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe by 12?
432 Hz / 12 = 36
I heard it said perfectly that 440 HZ is pretending to be sacred geometry, the 440 Hz is closest one can come to the real thing while still being an impostor.
432 Hz / 12 = 36
432 Hz = 3,6,9 ! They are two ways of expressing the same thing, the real thing!
432 Hz / 12 = a perfect 36
Why 432 Hz?
Why 432 Hz?
In 1936 the American Standards Association recommended that the A above middle C be tuned to 440 Hz. This standard was taken up as the International Concert pitch.
Hmmmm….. I wonder why?
With the Enki Crop Circle we now know Enki of the Anunnaki has been presenting us and guiding us with the importance of 432 HZ and it’s 4 octave below 432 Hz (27 Hz) (Diapason A 432 Hz) in the form of the seven-pointed star which is encoded into the Enki Crop Circle, and the D 36 Hz frequency creating the Six-Pointed “E=MC2” fall within these most harmonic numbers frequencies!
And they both are related to a 432 HZ Pythagorean tuning or Diaspan!
Let’s go over the Octaves of A = 432, To get to the octave of any given frequency simply double the frequency so…
27 Hz higher Octave is…. 54 Hz (27 Hz + 27 Hz)
54 hz + 54 Hz = 108 HZ
108 Hz + 108 Hz = 216 Hz
216 Hz + 216 Hz = 432 Hz
So remember the numbers:
27 – (4 octaves below a 432 hz)
54 – (3 octaves below a 432 hz)
108 – (2 octaves below a 432 hz)
216 – (1 octaves below a 432 hz)
Multiplying prime numbers 36 through 55 by 12 encodes 432 Hz , 444 Hz, 528 Hz, and 660 hz!
36 x 12 = 432
36.666 X 12 = 440 (Interesting huh?)
37 X 12 = 444 (Arcturian frequency – Chief Golden Light Eagle )
44 X 12 = 528 !!!!!!!!!!!
They are all super related to one another, they are perfect “Musical overtones” of one another!
All frequencies are related to being tuned to 432 Hz
What if I told you that the Anunnaki not only encoded these most harmonious Cosmic frequencies into these recent Crop Circles and gave us the 60-based mathematical system that led to the creation of the second is not only thousands of years old, it was supposedly “gifted” to humanity from “Heavenly Visitors Who Came From the Skies”……….the Anunnaki!
By the way, check out how many seconds is in 12 hours
43,200! or 432
What if I told you I have found 100% scientific mathematical proof that the Mound builders were the Annunaki/Human Hybrids known as the Nephilim and that they encoded these exact same most harmonious cosmic frequencies into the actual layout of the Ancient Native American Earth Mounds?
“If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer.” – Confucius
Now how do we tell the world we need to re-set the International Concert pitch to A=432 HZ?
A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432 Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. There is a theory that the change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. Then around 1940 the United States introduced 440 Hz worldwide, and finally in 1953 it became the ISO 16-standard.
What is 440 Hz?
440 Hz is the unnatural standard tuning frequency, removed from the symmetry of sacred vibrations and overtones that has declared war on the subconscious mind of Western Man. In a paper entitled ‘Musical Cult Control’, Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes: “The music industry features this imposed frequency that is ‘herding’ populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illness.”
You just have to go out in the street and take a look around. What do you see? School kids, young adults on their way to work, a woman pushing her baby in a stroller, a man walking his dog and what do they all have in common? iPods or MP3 Players! Ingenious, isn’t it?
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
TPTB, are successfully lowering the vibrations of not only the young generation but the rest of us as well. These destructive frequencies entrain the thoughts towards disruption, disharmony and disunity. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body, the brain, into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war.
This is the biggest mystery. For over 25,000 years the Universal Truth was not available to the people of this planetary system. It is now finally being received on this planet. Deep seekers of the truth that are open minded and ready will receive it.
Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form.
How will we use it? With whom will we be communicating? Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation…. again?
The numerical coincidences are too compelling…. All over the world and for thousands of years, humanity has revered certain number sequences: 108,216, 144, 360, 432,528 1080, 2160. But why?
What is it about these and many other numbers that jar something so deep within us that we incorporate them into our myths and spiritual beliefs?
The answer could be frequency harmonics. We measure sound frequencies in vibration cycles per second, and the numbers listed above – when played as frequencies – just happen to mirror the exact harmonic patterns found in nature. The thing is, the timekeeping unit known as the “second” did not exist until quite recently in our history, so how could our ancestors have known about these harmonies? Here’s where the mystery really gets deep. You see, the 60-based mathematical system that led to the creation of the second is not only thousands of years old, it was supposedly “gifted” to humanity from “Heavenly Visitors Who Came From the Skies”……….the Anunnaki!
Please pay attention at how many times 27, 54, 108, 216, shows up, sometimes represented by 270, 540, 1080, or 2160 and also the 660 Hz frequency which comes from multiplying prime number 55 by 12 while in the standard of 36X12=432.
Credit for the following research: Fritz Zimmerman
The diameter of the largest henge at Mounds State Park, in Anderson Indiana is 210 feet or 660 feet in circumference.
The distance from the large henge (660 feet in circumference) to the adjoining earthworks that are aligned with the large henge to the winter solstice sunrise are 555 feet ind 666 feet. 555 is a significant number because it represents the “Sacred Marriage” of the Sun and the Earth Mother. 555 X pi = 1746 or the sum total of 666 + 1080 = 1746
The square earthwork located in Winchester has numbers that are symbolic of both the Sun and the Earth Mother. The east west walls are 1320 feet in length (660 X 2 = 1320). The north south walls are 1080 feet. The gateway to the earthwork on the west side is aligned to the summer solstice sunset. The gateway on the east is aligned to the winter solstice sunrise.
Several miles to the south of the Winchester works is the square work at Fountain City, Indiana. Each of the walls is 780 feet in length. If you subtract the length of these walls (780) from those at Winchester (1320) you get 540. 540 X 2 = 1080
The two henges at Cambridge City, Indian were 660 feet in circumference. The upper henge is aligned to the summer solstice sunset. The lower henge is aligned to the equinox sunset.
Henge complex in Athens County, Ohio. The henge on the lower right is 210 feet in diameter or 660 feet in circumference. Note, the mounds to the right of the road are positioned like Ursa Minor. This may a clue as to why several of the henges afre aligned to the north.
The sacred via at Piketon, Ohio was 1080 feet in length
These earthworks extended fro the sacred via at Piketon. The separate lengths of 420 and 240 show up in different earthworks. 420 + 240 = 660. The north south wall is 212 feet, significant because 212 X pi = 666.
Highbanks earthwork, in Chillicothe, Ohio. The circle is 1050 feet in diameter. The octagon represents the Earth Mother. The number 8 is symbolic of “creation” in many religions. The octagon itself contains 8 angles each being 135 degrees. 135 X 8 = 1080
North Fork Works, in Chillicothe, Ohio. The two henges are 210 feet in diameter or 660 feet in circumference. The large square is 240 feet in diameter.
A few hundred yards north of the North Fork Works is this large henge that is still visible in this aerial photo. The size of the henge appears to be similar to the large henges or 660 feet in circumference.
Henge locate3d north of Lexington, Kentucky was 555 feet in circumference. 555 X pi = 1746 or the sum total of 666 + 1080. It represents the Holy Union of Opposites, the Sacred Marriage of the Sun and the Earth. An earthwork on an adjoining hill had a wall that was 1080 feet in length.
These four earthworks were located close to one another at Chillicothe, Ohio. The squares all had walls that were 1080 feet in length. The large circles had a diameter of 1720 feet. (215 X 8 = 1720) This adds another frequently found length of 215. It is believed that this number represented the Earth Mother
Seip works, near Chillicothe, on Paint Creek. Central circle was 1720 feet in diameter, the square having walls that were 1080 feet.
Mound and earthworks at Marietta, Ohio. The Large mound was surrounded by a henge that was 215 feet in diameter. The adjoining square work had walls that were 1080 feet in length.
“Ah, the Earth Mounds and the pyramids and the Serpent Mound in that valley? It’s all about the Anunnaki being in that area now with evidence going back hundreds of years. You know what’s down below in places in central and southern Ohio? There is an access point to what looked like small cities down and off 75 (Right Patterson Air Force Base). Living quarters carved into soft stone and granite in part. Large round central area. I’d estimate it to be about 200-300 feet below surface.Visited the site with him in 07.”– AR Bordon (Secret Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)
New DNA technology has confirmed the reality of a New DNA Haplogroup X-2a in the Mound Builders who later went on to intertwine into the Iroquois North American Indian Tribes.
This is the “real” Anunnaki Nephilim “Holy Grail” Hybrid bloodline that went to America, long ago!
It was not long after my History Channel UFO Hunters show aired in the summer of 2008 I was approached by some interesting people who announced themselves by saying they were once known in our past as the Anunnaki and they wanted to speak with me about my blood anomaly revealed on the History Channel. They told me I was a part of their Hybrid Blood line on this planet called the Nephilim.
At that point in my life I had no clue what a Nephilim or Anunnaki even was, this was before the Ancient Aliens show even started in 2009. I remember looking for info on the Anunnaki and I could find very little on the subject back in 2008 but I began to be guided and tutored by both them and a NSA/Lockheed Martin Skunkworks insider who already worked with the Anunnaki in Technology Transfer Programs into related beds of info pertaining to the Anunnaki.
Also remember I did not know of my Iroquois Indian Haplogroup X-2a Heritage at this moment as well. I had not yet met my Biological Mother and had no clue regarding my heritage or nationality due to my being adopted.
Interestingly enough I have recently found out that the famous physic Edgar Cayce predicted exactly everything I have just shared with you and how new DNA technology has confirmed the reality of the Mound Builders being the remnants of the Atlanteans who later went on to intertwine into the Ancient North American Indians.
So my point is the “real” Anunnaki Nephilim Hybrid bloodline went to America, long ago, All these European secret societies think they have the answers and are the keepers of wisdom over humanity, they don’t have shit, you know where the answers are now? with the North American Indians.
Ancient America and Genetic DNA Research – http://www.edgarcayce.org/are/ancient_mysteries.aspx?id=4144
Edgar Cayce mentioned ancient America in 68 different readings. These readings covered migrations to America, mound builders, the Norse, and other events. In Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce’s Forgotten History of Ancient America(2001), his 68 readings on ancient America were extensively analyzed. From these readings, 30 specific statements were found which could be verified by scientific evidence. Of the 30 statements by Cayce, 23 (or 77%) of them have enough support to be considered accurate. Another six statements are, as yet, not supportable by evidence, but could be verified in the future. Only one statement appears to be wrong. Thus, of all of Cayce’s seemingly impossible statements about ancient America, only 3% are definitely wrong. Of the remainder, 77% have been supported by scientific research, and the 20% that remain could be verified in the future.
Several teams of genetics researchers at prominent American universities have been conducting studies on the DNA of Native Americans. Although results from early studies showed the expected Siberian-Asian ancestry of the majority of modem Native American tribes, things took an unexpected turn in 1997 when it was found that a small percentage of modem Native Americans have an unusual type of DNA then known to exist only in a few locations in Europe and the Middle East. Subsequent research indicated that the European DNA was not the result of genetic mixing after Columbus, as the same DNA was found in the bone of an ancient American burial, confirming that people carrying this unique DNA had entered America in ancient times. This unique gene was also found in a small tribe living in the northern Gobi Desert area. The DNA research initially seemed to promise solid proof of not only where the ancient Americans came from, but also when they came.
As might be expected, ancient DNA research has become a highly contentious issue with several competing sides. Most of the DNA research on Native American Indians has been done utilizing mitochondria. Every cell in our body contains hundreds to thousands of these tiny, football-shaped organelles. The mitochondria process glucose (sugar) into a usable form of energy for all of our body’s functions and are believed to be an evolutional form of bacteria that adapted into a symbiotic relationship with multi-celled life forms. The mitochondria have their own unique DNA, which is simpler and easier to analyze than the human DNA found in the nucleus. Mitochondrial DNA (usually abbreviated as mtDNA) is passed to offspring only through the woman’s egg. Thus, it is not a combination of male and female genes but a haploid gene, meaning that it has only one dose of chromosomes.
Mitochondrial DNA
The haploid mitochondrial DNA shows only the female lineage of a person. Diploid genes are two sets of combined chromosomes, the female set coming from the egg, the male chromosomes from the sperm. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is categorized into several types and groups termed haplotypes and haplogroups. That is, there are variations in the genetic cycle of mitochondria that fit into clusters. These clusters can trace lineage far back into time. There are 39 different, distinct mtDNA groups into which all humans fit and there are variations on these types. While mtDNA analysis is not only easier than other forms of genetic testing, it has a further advantage. While all DNA mutates over time, mtDNA has a fairly steady rate of mutation that permits a reasonably accurate estimate of exactly when a particular group of people migrated from their primary group.
Two important factors can be determined through analysis of mtDNA. First, a living person or the mtDNA from the remains of a deceased person can be tested to determine the specific racial group from which the individual came. Second, the approximate time when that individual’s ancestors migrated from their primary racial group can be determined.
One way to view mtDNA testing is that it may be able to provide a racial family tree extending back to the beginning of humanity. The current idea in mtDNA analysis on the female side can eventually be traced back to a genetic “Eve.” The 39 types of mtDNA were presumably derived from this Eve. Whether this idea will be completely confirmed by research remains to be seen. Testing to date has confirmed several oral traditions passed down through many generations in several tribes. For example, the indigenous people of Hawaii and Polynesia have long asserted that their ancestors frequently traveled back and forth. Genetic testing showed that these two groups were related and confirmed the migratory legends of these peoples.
Confirming the Siberian Migration
MigrationThe first research on living Native American tribes showed they were composed of four distinct mtDNA haplogroups called A, B, C, and D which means that the Native Americans are derived from four different lineages. These haplogroups were also found in native populations in Central and South America. Other mtDNA research utilizing ancient remains recovered in the Americas validated these four haplogroups. Three of these haplogroups, A, C, and D are found primarily in Siberian Asia. The B haplogroup, however, is found only in aboriginal groups in Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Melanesia, and Polynesia.
Based on the mutations found in the mtDNA, most researchers think that groups A, C and D, entered America from Siberia across Beringia some time around 35.000 B.C. Group B, they assert, probably came to America from the South Pacific or Japan via boats. It is believed the B groups began this migration not long after the A, C, and D groups arrived. However, the majority of the B group arrived about 11,000 B.C. This leaves open the possibility of several migrations by the B group from different locations.
It should be noted that a few geneticists have proposed that each of these haplogroups came in four separate migrations while many Clovis supporters argue that all the groups migrated together.
An Unknown and Unexpected Migration Group Confirmed
In 1997, a fifth mtDNA haplogroup was identified in Native Americans. This group, called X-2a is present in three percent of living Native Americans. Haplogroup X-2a was not found in Asia, but was found only in Europe and the Middle East where two to four percent of the population carry it. In those areas, the X haplogroup has primarily been found in parts of Spain, Bulgaria, Finland, Italy, and Israel. A few people with the X type have been identified in the Altasians tribe located in extreme southern Siberia in the Gobi Desert area. In addition, the ‘X’ type has now been found in the ancient remains of the Basque people.
Archaeologists and geneticists are certain that the presence of X in America is of ancient origin and not the result of historic intermarriages. Among Native American tribes, the X-2a haplogroup has been found in small numbers in the Yakima, Sioux, and Navaho tribes. It has been found to a larger degree in the Ojibway, Oneonta, and Nuu-Chah-Nulth tribes. The X-2a haplogroup has also been discovered in ancient remains in Illinois near Ohio and a few areas near the Great Lakes. It has not yet been found in South or Central American tribes including the Maya. The X haplogroup appears to have entered America in limited numbers perhaps as long ago as 34,000 B.C. appearing in much greater numbers from 12,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C.
It is important to note that not all Native American tribes have been categorized by mtDNA analysis and that relatively few ancient remains have been tested.
MitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) haplogroup X testing led to the surprising hypothesis that some of the first Americans came from Europe thousands of years ago.
The Origin of the Other Haplogroups
The B haplogroup, found only in aboriginal groups in Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Melanesia, and Polynesia, may represent Cayce’s people of Mu. Both Chinese and Japanese archaeologists take the idea of Mu seriously, and the B haplogroup findings closely match the story Cayce told about the continent. Most of the people of Mu who escaped the destruction in 50,000 B.C. escaped to China, India, and Japan. Some time later, descendants of these peoples could have traveled to America. While Cayce said that some people from Mu entered the Americas about 50,000 B.C., he did not indicate that date as the time period when the majority of them came. We only know that it was after 50,000 B.C. and prior to 28,000 B.C.
The Cayce readings do indicate that people entered the Americas from both the east and west in 28,000 B.C. from Atlantis, China, and from “across the Pacific.” The 28,000 B.C. date matches well with the haplogroups A, B, C, and D proposed dates of entry into America. The Cayce readings do have references to the Bering Straits, but Cayce did not relate that there were migrations across it. In fact, no one ever thought to ask him about this, so it remains an open question in the Cayce story. But the A, C, and D haplogroups clearly originated in Siberia just as the archaeologists have speculated. Cayce stated that the “yellow” or Mongol race of humanity originated in the Gobi and gradually spread throughout Asia. Thus, according to Cayce, haplogroups A, C, and D probably originated in the Gobi and would be the migrations Cayce cited as coming from across the Pacific.
The Significance of mtDNA Research Into Iroquois DNA
The mtDNA research confirms most of the other new findings in archaeology. The Americas were settled early and by many different racial groups. Several different waves of migration probably occurred. The initial wave seems to have occurred around 35,000 B.C. However, it may have been far earlier since some radiocarbon dates that have emerged from areas like California and the southwest point to 50,000 B.C. The picture mtDNA research findings paint of ancient America is astonishing. The widespread presence of the X type from Canada and Washington State, to Arizona, to the Plains, to the Great Lakes area, could indicate a wide initial dispersal. The X type in ancient America appears to be linked to the Iroquois.
This tribe, of course, was, according to Cayce, partly the remnant of Atlantean survivors from its final destruction about 10,000 B.C. The finding of the X group in the north Gobi-dwelling Altasians is hailed as proof that all American migrations came from Siberia via the Bering Straits, yet it seems unlikely. With the X type being present in the Middle East, Europe, the ancient Basques, and America, a migration from the Gobi to all of these areas is doubtful.
The Cayce readings cite a series of large and small migrations of Atlanteans to very specific parts of the world. These migrations occurred at several times, but especially during the years approaching 10,000 B.C. One of these places was to the Gobi in extreme southern Siberian Asia. If we assume that haplotype X originated from Cayce’s Atlantis, some of the X haplotype should be found in the Gobi region— but very little of this group should be found elsewhere in Siberia. This is what has been found.
Iroquois Creation
Cayce indicated that the largest migration from Atlantis occurred just before 10,000 B.C. The majority of these Atlantean survivors went to the Northeastern coastal areas of America and Canada becoming the Iroquois. It should be recalled that Cayce also stated that not all of the Iroquois were Atlantean. The Atlanteans migrating to the Americas merged with the people already present in America by that time. The Atlanteans became leaders of the tribes and Cayce’s story makes it clear that the Atlanteans had serious disputes among themselves that were reflected in ongoing violent conflict. This was the struggle between the Belial and Law of One groups. This is confirmed by the Iroquois’ ancient history that tells of constant battles resulting in distant displacements of entire tribes to ensure their survival. Perhaps the most astonishing confirmation of Cayce’s story of ancient America is the presence of haplogroup X. What is known is that the X haplogroup first showed up in America perhaps 34,000 years ago, but its main entry occurred in 10,000 B.C. matching Mr. Cayce’s time frame for Atlantean migrations. The X group also appears to have shown up in ancient Iberia and in the Basques about the same time as well as in the Gobi. These dates match Cayce’s story of the final two destructions of Atlantis and the resulting migrations to these areas.
Rainbow Warrior Eagle (Michael Lee Hill)
“Wimunke” means ‘Rainbow’. The ‘n’ is a nasal sound, like in the word ‘IN’. “Akicita”, (Ah-Kee-Chee-Tah) is Warrior, “Wambdi” (Wahm-Bdee) is ‘Eagle’. The ‘Eagle Nation’ is the Spirit that gave you the name, which is why it is at the end of your ‘Gift’. “Akicita Wimunke’ Wambdi” You are: “Rainbow Warrior Eagle”. Hau! Pray well and know the Spirit acknowledges your Spirit as this name and will carry your prayers with great enthusiasm to the Creator’s Heart.” – Chief Blue Star Eagle